Finix Technology Solutions is an Italian company, which was founded in 2019. It took over from Fujitsu Technology Solutions, which had been in Italy since 1999. It specialises in IT services for migration to the Cloud, adoption of Artificial Intelligence, as well as IT and IoT infrastructures.
It is the first Innovative & Cloud Service Provider in Italy, which exclusively markets in our country the solutions offered by Fujitsu, the leading Japanese ICT company, supplier of technological infrastructures, Data Centre management services and Cloud architectures, as well as consultancy services for migration to the Hybrid Cloud.
100% controlled by the holding company, Énosi, Finix Technology Solutions pursues the Group’s development and business re-organisation strategy: it combines business skills with technological innovation, to support companies in developing their own digital transformation processes, making use of technological partnerships with market leaders and increasingly oriented towards the enhancement of Fujitsu products, one of the major global players in terms of Information Technology solutions.
Thanks to this exclusive relationship, Finix’s services are aligned with the “Fujitsu best practice” and the product portfolio, covering all the needs of digital transformation, from the notebook to the hyperconverged solution.